
There is a time for every season!

Yes, I'm about to close one season of my life and enter another. I'm going from being the mother of one to being the mother of two in just a couple short months. Sometime in June, our family is expecting a perfect baby girl!

Starting immediately, Jennifer Jabbour Photography will no longer be able to accept new clients until further notice, and will consider accepting limited sessions with established clients as my health allows. I have been told by my doctor, after a morning of regular contractions, that I need to take it easy... whatever that means! I'm assuming that means I should not be doing sessions, though.

I plan to relaunch Jennifer Jabbour Photography in early 2009, but that all depends on how life as a mother of two goes. My first and foremost priority is my family and I will never allow photography to keep me from that priority.

In the meantime, I highly suggest you consider using Cristina Thornburg Photography to meet your photography needs. Just let her know that Jennifer sent you and she'll make sure to give you the VIP treatment!

Check out her latest work here:

Contact Cristina:

Keep checking back here to see my latest work. I will never give up the art of photography and pretty soon I'll have myself a new model!