
Happy February

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here. The emotional storms of life sometimes come down harder than others, so between lots of things happening in my family and all the holiday chaos and viruses, I've been quite busy with my own life. But January is finally over, and February is already here! I'm ready for this new year and I'm ready to take control and get a move on things.

First a little news: You may have noticed already, I've increased my rates in hopes that this year will be quite successful. But every month I will be offering some sort of special and I have lots of fun ideas in mind, as well, like maybe a photo contest of sorts! Those of you that know me well know that I currently work full time as a technical writer and I still find time to do this photography thing. It's something I love or I probably wouldn't be doing it. I hope to one day do so well with this photography thing that I can quit the technical writer thing one day. Also, over the next day or so I hope to give my website a new look.

Now, on to the good stuff, recent favs:

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